
Get ready to revolutionize your mentoring experience! RES is thrilled to unveil a groundbreaking program that redefines the traditional approach to mentorship. Say goodbye to mismatched pairings and rigid timelines, and hello to a dynamic platform where choice, fit, and flexibility reign supreme. We're excited to introduce a peer-to-peer mentoring program like no other, where members have the power to shape their own development journeys, connect with industry experts, and chart a course towards success on their own terms. 

1. Tailored Mentorship: At RES, we recognize that one size does not fit all when it comes to mentorship. Our program allows members to choose mentors based on their specific needs, interests, and career goals, ensuring a tailored mentoring experience that maximizes effectiveness and relevance.

2. Flexible Engagement: Gone are the days of rigid mentorship timelines. With RES, members have the flexibility to engage in one-off sessions or longer-term mentorship journeys, depending on their preferences and schedules. This adaptability empowers members to take ownership of their development at their own pace.

3. Access to Industry Experts: Through our partnership with Upnotch, RES members gain access to a diverse pool of industry experts and thought leaders. Whether seeking guidance on a specific challenge or looking to advance their careers, members can connect with some of the best and brightest minds in the industry to drive their success forward.

Join us as we embark on this exhilarating journey towards personal and professional growth, powered by innovation and driven by the RES community's passion for excellence.

Get ready to elevate your mentorship experience with RES and Upnotch!

Here's the step-by-step guide on how to get started with the RES mentorship program on Upnotch: 

  1. Log into Upnotch: Head over to www.upnotch.com and create a free account


2. Craft Your Profile: Once logged in, take a moment to craft your profile. Add details about your background, expertise, and interests.


3. Request to Join the RES Community: Look for the RES community within Upnotch and submit a request to join. Once approved, you'll gain access to the RES mentorship program and be able to connect with fellow members.

4. Start Your Mentee Journey: With your profile set up and access to the RES community granted, you're all set to kickstart your mentee journey! Browse through available mentors, connect with those who align with your goals, and begin your mentoring sessions to accelerate your personal and professional growth.

PS: Interested in becoming a mentor? Email info@resociety.global to add yourself to the docket of amazing enablers.